Please Vote for
 Mike Arians
Oregon Mayor
April 7, 2015 Election
Campaign Platform and Promises

Utility Tax: Mike strongly opposes the utility tax bill recently imposed on Oregon residents and pledges to remand this act within his first year in office by way of fiscal responsibility.

Real Estate Sales: Mike understands that real estate sales of both homes, and business properties have been a vital foundation of Oregon’s economy. His vision is to create incentives to both real estate buyers and sales agents within the city limits by offering buyers discounted and/or deferred monthly city utility payments for the first three months after the closing of any property sold within the city limits.

Business opportunities: As Mayor, Mike will work hand in hand with the Oregon Chamber of Commerce and the real estate sales community by appointing a member of each, if so willing, to work as a liaison committee with the Mayor and City Council to determine the needs of existing businesses and ways to attract new businesses so that they may thrive together. We desperately need their existence to strengthen our sales tax base and check any future increase of our taxes.

Senior Citizens: Mike believes that applications should be made available for senior citizens on fixed incomes and cases of hardship to apply for discounted city services similar to AARP.

The Coliseum Building: As many of you may know the Coliseum building was under threat of being sold or torn down just prior to Mike’s 1999 election as Mayor. Mike chose not to go that route, however to make the historic old building a pet-project for the city to save, for generations to come.

Mike has always believed making the Coliseum a hub of activity to support itself, the community, and downtown businesses of Oregon is a very worthwhile cause. 

Mike strongly believes what we don't want is multiple empty storefronts, ​burnt-out buildings that sit vacant and unrepaired for months and sometimes even years! Mike will pass a new city ordinance that any burnt-out or unsafe abandoned structure must be torn down within 90 days.

Click here to see photos of what sincerely upsets Mayor Mike Arians.